A 5-Day Email Course on how to use AI to start, build, and grow your business.

Written by The AI Solopreneur, who grew from 0 to 135,000+ followers and $235,351 in revenue in 124 days using AI

This free course will teach you how to use AI to learn a high-value skill 2X faster, create a $100 million offer like Alex Hormozi, dominate social media, and reverse-engineer your dream business into an actionable roadmap.



If you recognize any of these feelings:

  • You want to scale your internet business, but don’t know how to get more clients or customers

  • You're overwhelmed by the variety of AI tools available, but don't know which ones to use (or how to even use them).

  • You're having difficulty standing out in a saturated market and don't know how to position your brand effectively.

  • You've seen businesses scale rapidly using AI, but you're unsure how to implement similar strategies on your own.

  • You want to future-proof your online business with AI but don’t know how.

  • You're struggling to keep up with competitors who seem to be leveraging AI more effectively for business growth.

  • You're finding it hard to maintain a healthy work-life balance with your online business, leading to burnout and decreased productivity.

…then I built this free course specifically for you.

Get the FREE course now:

See, I’m not a guru, and I’ll never be.

I went from being a broke German DJ to building an audience of over 135,000+, making $225,000+ from my first AI course.

This is me 9 years ago:

... if THAT broke German DJ could "make it", so can you.

9 years later, I'm sharing how I use AI to build my business

Get the FREE course now:


Day 1: 1 simple ChatGPT prompt to learn digital skills 2x faster (and become high-value in weeks, not years)

Day 2: How to turn ChatGPT into Alex Hormozi and create irresistible offers (and get $1,000,000+ worth of personalized advice for free)

Day 3: How to turn ChatGPT into Justin Welsh and generate unlimited content ideas in seconds (learn the secret sauce behind my 130M+ impressions)

Day 4: How to use Russell Brunson’s “Epiphany Bridge” framework to write stories that sell (in 5 minutes, with ChatGPT)

Day 5: How to use ChatGPT to reverse-engineer your dream business goal to an actionable roadmap (even if you’ve never built a business before)

Get the FREE course now:

Still not sure whether the

AI Business Operator is for you?

I don’t have a skill

That’s no problem! I also had no skills (except making pesto) when I began, that’s why I dedicated the whole Day 1 just to learning a high-value skill.

I don’t have a business

Perfect. That makes you a clean slate, and you’ll be able to build a great business with the techniques I teach you - I wish I had these when I started out.

I don’t trust AI to run my business

AI won’t run your business - it’s just a tool. This course won’t help you to replace yourself from your business, but it will show you how to build your business 2X faster with the help of AI. You’re the pilot, AI is the cockpit.

I don’t know how to use AI

You don’t have to! Every lesson includes an actionable guide that even total beginners can understand. Even your mom could do it.

Will this really help me get results as well as yours?

I built the AI solopreneur to $235,031+ in revenue and 135,000+ followers on Twitter in 5 months, and I try to teach you as much as possible about that in this course. I can’t guarantee you that you’ll earn $100,000 in 4 months, but I CAN show you the tools and methods I used to do it.  

I don’t have the time to implement these strategies.

I have ADHD and hate waiting, so I ensured that you can implement every lesson in less than 5 minutes. And if you don’t have 5 minutes per day? Then this probably isn’t for you.

I’m not sure if these strategies will work in my industry / for me.

I built the AI Business Operator so that you can use all methods, frameworks, and prompts in ANY industry. Regardless if you’re trying to make your first $1 online or run a 500-person company, this course is for any business operator.

Get the FREE course now:


Just look at the entire curriculum of the course (entirely free):

DAY 1: 1 simple ChatGPT prompt to learn digital skills 2x faster (and become high-value in weeks, not years)

What a high-income skill is and why you need one (plus examples)

How you can learn a high-income skill in 8 weeks

My secret “Cycle of Improvement” framework for learning skills faster

Why AI is your best coach and how to get it to analyze your performance in real-time to get instant feedback (that would take a human coach hours to give)

How to use the The RepMaster 3000 prompt to become world-class at ANY skill

DAY2: How to turn ChatGPT into Alex Hormozi and create irresistible offers (and get $1,000,000+ worth of personalized advice for free)

What makes an irresistible offer (and how to create one)

Why a better offer allows you to sell the same service at 2-5X higher price points

How to create irresistible offers using Alex Hormozi’s value equation

How to use The Ultimate Alex Hormozi Offer-Sexifier prompt to create a $100 million offer in seconds

Get the FREE course now:

DAY 3: How to turn ChatGPT into Justin Welsh and generate unlimited content ideas in seconds (learn the secret sauce behind my 130M+ impressions)

Why Justin Welsh’s Content Matrix is so genius (why I use it every day)

How the Content Matrix works

How to use The Keanu Reeves Content Matrixifier prompt to summon Keanu Reeves and generate unlimited high-quality content ideas

DAY 4: How to use Russell Brunson’s “Epiphany Bridge” framework to write stories that sell (in 5 minutes, with ChatGPT)

Why storytelling is The Timeless Selling Technique

How to print more money than the guys who sell ice cream on the beaches in the summer

The Epiphany Bridge Framework Broken Down: Why It’s So Effective (and how you can use it)

How to use The Life-Changing Legend Launcher prompt To Tell Selling Stories (in only 4 minutes)

DAY 5: How to use ChatGPT to reverse-engineer your dream business goal to an actionable roadmap (even if you’ve never built a business before)

Why you should almost always start with the end in mind

Why success without direction is like expecting a pizza delivery when you didn’t order one

5 Rules for setting business goals to maximize your odds of success

How to use the The GPT Goals Guaranteer prompt to reverse-engineer your business goals